The State of US National Security | Rep. Chrissy Houlahan and Rep. Don Bacon (HASC)

Join Rep. Chrissy Houlahan and Rep. Don Bacon, members of the House Armed Services Committee, as they discuss the challenges facing the U.S. in maintaining global leadership. From polarization to competition, we're at a critical point in our history. Strong leadership and holistic partnerships across government, private capital, tech companies, international allies, and defense primes are necessary.


Rep. Chrissy Houlahan - Congresswoman Representing Pennsylvania’s 6th District, HASC, U.S. House of Representatives

Don Bacon - Congressman Representing Nebraska 2nd District, HASC, U.S. House of Representatives

Rye Barcott - Author/Entrepreneur (Co-Founder: With Honor, Double Time Capital, CFK Africa)

Key Topics:

  • Competition with China* ChatGPT
  • AI development
  • AI regulation
  • Bipartisan collaboration
  • STEM investment
  • Defense infrastructure modernization
  • Military quality of life

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